Sunday, August 28, 2005

Speaking of Iraqi News Coverage...

I was checking Iraq the Model and found this comment. Seems like some (the majority?) Iraqis are quite glad the US is there. Will we hear about that in the MSM?
or how aboout this? I know it is "old news", but this perspective from an Iraqi should hve been noticed by someone. Faux News? MSNBCBS?
For hair raising reality, check out Michael Yon's latest article, Gates of Fire.


Pat's Rick© said...

Yes. Like Day by Day has been chronicling, the only authorities on the war are those opposed to it (according to the LSM).

Pat's Rick© said...

If not for the blogosphere, the media would have had their second Vietnam. They have been beating that drum since we went into Afghanistan.

camojack said...

I've had Michael Yon's site "bookmarked" since I first heard of it; an ordinary journalist he ain't...

MargeinMI said...

I've also added Michael Yon to my favorites list. I had just started reading Steven Vincent's 'In the Red Zone' for a couple of weeks before he was killed. :o(

P.S. I LOVE your blogroll Rick. Although, you don't strike me as someone who would frequent IMAO for some reason. My readership has dropped off there since he went to a group blog. FrankJ is insanely funny though!

MargeinMI said...

I got an email from a Scrapple 'lurker' thanking me for mentioning Michael Yon the other day. (Rich) He is amazing. His posts bring the hand to hand right to life. I'm so glad I found him.